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If you believe as I believe, in the end, we win. Putting your Faith in Jesus, and striving to be more and more like Him, guarantees entrance into the Kingdom. Blessings.
- Ty Jones
point: God will win in the end
It’s so fun to play along, if you’re on de winning team
Every day I sing a song, every day is a dream
This is how I live, because I understand
That a long time ago, was a purpose and a plan
So when life gets me down, I take shelter from de storm
I choose to rest in Him, where de sun shines so warm
Why waste your time, with de fear and de doubt
Because de One who wins, has already duked it out
God has a plan for me, some call it destiny, but I know that de choice is all mine.
And since I get to choose, whether I win or lose, I choose to win every time.
point: I choose my (God’s) way
Some times de path is clear, some time it disappear
But my God will provide, If and when I choose to hear
So I keep my ears alert and I’ll keep my eyes on Him
And when He speaks to me just like a fish I will swim
Back to that place so calm, like de water in de bay
Safe from de harm, from de shark and de ray
While others choose to swim out in de deep blue sea
I choose to follow Him, where a win is guarantee
God has a plan for me, some call it destiny, but I know that de choice is all mine.
And since I get to choose, whether I win or lose, I choose to win every time.
You know mon’ God is all knowledge He loves His children de young, and de old. and He wants them to be happy mon’ to love life and live. But His way is not like the way of de world. His way is much greater. So learn from Him, learn about Him, know Him and one day, you will see Him. Oh, glorious day…
God has a plan for me, some call it destiny, but I know that de choice is all mine.
And since I get to choose, whether I win or lose, I choose to win every time.
© 2006 Ty Jones
Executive Producer: Ty Jones
Produced and Arranged: Curtis Epperson /
All Songs Written: Ty Jones & Curtis Epperson
Mixed: Curtis Epperson & Chris Harris
Mastered: Brad Blackwood /
© 2007 ChristLed, LLC. / Michael (Ty) Jones. All Rights Reserved.
(free downloading and sharing authorized)