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Memphis | Jackson | Nashville
we DO NOT take
exceptional assisted transport
for patients, seniors, disabled
one-on-one, point-to-point
#1 Private Pay Patient and Senior Transportation Service Provider for Assisted Ambulatory,
Wheelchair and Stretcher Transports for Patients, Elderly & Disabled. Non-Emergency

PrimeCare Highlights

Back in February, PrimeCare Transport's Marketing and Involvement Manager, Angie Gray, Chaired the Professional Conference on Aging held in Memphis, TN. This was a gathering of facilities, providers, sponsors, facilitators, clinics, caregivers, and ALL those who serve our Seniors.
With a two-year (COVID) break, this was in-person and very well attended. Getting together gave all of us some time to catch-up and speak candidly about adjustments in care, processes and practices. It was good to see old friends and make new ones.
We at PrimeCare are very proud of Angie. She did a GREAT job getting everyone organized and pulled together a fabulous event. She, along with Valencia, even had time to set up and “man” our Out Of This World booth.

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